27 July 2012
26 July 2012
Glenn Grothman Wants Elections Close Enough to Steal?
Apparently. This does track with the fact that, underlying everything Glenn says, is a belief that the responsibilities of citizenship come in second place to economics. So, if they have to steal elections "For the good of the economy" it's okay.
Just musing. Here's the link from the cousins over at Voices Newspaper.
Voices Newspaper Blog: Glenn Grothman Wants Elections Close Enough to Steal
Grothman is doing his part to help ensure the election will be close enough to steal by denying legal citizens the right to vote, despite the fact that two judges have independently determined that the state's American Legislative Exchange Council-inspired voter ID restriction imposes an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote
24 July 2012
Wisconsin Republican Senator Believes Voter ID Will Help Romney 'In A Close Race'
Of course he did.
Wisconsin Republican Senator Believes Voter ID Will Help Romney 'In A Close Race' | ThinkProgress
In an interview with ThinkProgress on Sunday, the number-two Republican senator argued that voter ID could be a boon for Republicans’ electoral prospects if the controversial law, which was recently blocked in state court, is reinstated in time for the November election. “Insofar as there are inappropriate things, people who vote inappropriately are more likely to vote Democrat,” argued Grothman.
21 July 2012
Glenn Grothman's digital popularity rolls on: now a question at Ask.com.
When someone asks whether the politician (who wants warn school kids that single parents are potential abusers) has kids himself, that's a kind of new, digital, threshold of popularity.
does glenn grothman have children - Ask Community