Glenn Grothman's war on women has consequences and now he's up against the wall.
Glenn's inherent distrust of women has finally caught up with him.
Want to help remove him from office?
Of course you do.
You can start by checking in here: Democratic Party of Washington County
In the meantime, our friends at blue cheddar wrote it up.
Teacher Tanya Lohr announces challenge against Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman |
You may know Wisconsin’s Tea Party state senator Glenn Grothman from his insinuations that single-parents are abusing their kids or his lesser known proclamation that “The Left and the social welfare establishment want children born out of wedlock because they are far more likely to be dependent on the government.” Perhaps you know Grothman as that dude who called all the protesters from last year “slobs” or maybe you have an extra twinge of contempt for Mr. Grothman, as I do, after he authored a bill that shifts control of Milwaukee’s technical school board over to his business friends.The list of Grothman’s political offenses is long and his appearances on Fox TV have been many – all the better to fan the flames of anger in thousands of Wisconsin women, many of whom just so happen to be assembling at the steps of Wisconsin’s Capitol building tomorrow, Saturday Apirl 28th. I’m certain we will have an opportunity to hear a few words from Tanya Lohr then. I can’t wait.