10 July 2008

Glenn Grothman: Fails to pass muster on government reform, again.

Hi everybody,

It's probably not a surprise but Glenn has, again, landed at the bottom of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign's annual scorecard for responsible government.

He scored at the bottom with Sens. Kanavas, Kedzie, Lazich and was beaten only by Scott Fitzgerald.

As always, by their works shall ye know them. Glenn and his buddies regularly "stood with the special interests and worked to defeat reforms that would restore power to the general public."

Way to go Glenn.

Alas, Pat Strachota also made it to the bottom by voting against reform legislation in lock step with her party's hard liners.

The good news is that we'll have a choice for a change this November: another Republican, a Mr. Wiesolek from Cedarburg and an Independent, Clyde Winter are both running against Glenn for the Senate 2oth, and another Independent, Mr. Dombro will be running against Ms. Strachota in the Assembly's 28th.

Maybe they'll be able to vote for more responsible government.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have heard, but not confirmed, that the supposed Republican primary challenger to Grothman's spot on the November ballot did not file all required papers, and thus there will be no primary contest for Grothman.

I am the Independent candidate, and the only challenger for the 20th Senate District who will be on the November ballot.

You can clearly see my analyses of issues, and what kind of positions I will take as the only Independent state senator in Wisconsin by checking my recently published articles on state issues, linked by my user name.