Glenn Grothman: wrong on sex ed -- continued.
Washington County: Gov. Doyle signs Sex Ed Bill into law TODAY - Grothman blasts DOYLE
“Sadly, Governor Doyle today signed a bill requiring Wisconsin’s school districts to teach sex education without showing any bias toward sexually active pupils,” said Grothman.The biggest irony, as always, is that good sex education -- uncomfortably thorough for Glenn, no doubt -- not only lowers the rate of teenage pregnancy, but even the rate of teenage sexual activity.
--which Glenn would have known had he bothered to do any research on this topic, beyond checking in with his conscience... and Ginny's conscience.
Interestingly enough, Google found this statement only on the local Eagle Forum page (linked here). For more Google fun, note Glenn's frequent use of the phrase "Senator Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) blasted" in his own press releases.